Alicia (en un país no tan de Maravillas)
Sanatorium under the Sign of the Hourglass
The 1000 Eyes of Dr Maddin
(Un)mistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H.
A través del cristal de las lágrimas: Sobre los consuelos de la vida eterna
Eurydice... She, So Beloved
El afinador de terremotos
The Phantom Museum: Random Forays Into the Vaults of Sir Henry Wellcome's Medical Collection
Stille Nacht V: Dog Door (Vídeo musical)
Institute Benjamenta (This Dream People Call Human Life)
Stille Nacht IV (Can't Go Wrong Without You) (Vídeo musical)
De Artificiali Perspectiva (Anamorphosis)
Stille Nacht II (Are We Still Married)
Stille Nacht III (Tales from the Vienna Woods)
Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies
Stille Nacht I (Dramolet)
The Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer
This Unnameable Little Broom
Peter Gabriel: Sledgehammer
Janacek: Intimate Excursions
Punch & Judy: Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy
The Eternal Day of Michel De Ghelderode