Samurái 3: Duelo en la isla Ganryu
Miyamoto Musashi: Musashi vs Kojiro (Miyamoto Musashi 5)
Miyamoto Musashi: The duel at Ichijoji (Miyamoto Musashi 4)
Miyamoto Musashi: The duel against Yagyu (Miyamoto Musashi 3)
Miyamoto Musashi 2: Showdown at Hannyazaka Heights
Emperor? Shogunate? Female Mandala
Spy Chronicle of Seven Lives: Sword Cloud Battle at Usui Pass
Shin heike monogatari-shizuka to yoshitsune
Spy Chronicle of Seven Lives, Part 2: Fiercely Fighting the Decisive Battle
Three Women Around Yoshinaka
Miyamoto Musashi: Duel at Kongoin Temple