El extraño dentro de la mujer
La vida de Oharu, mujer galante
Humanidad y globos de papel
Samurái 3: Duelo en la isla Ganryu
La venganza de los cuarenta y siete samuráis
Nakano Army School: War Broke Out Last Night
El emperador y el general
Nakano Army School: Dragon #3 Directive
Nakano Army School: Top Secret Command
Nakano Army School: Cloud #1 Directive
La escuela de espías de Nakano
Houseing Estate: The Seven Deadly Sins
Devices Stronger Than Women
Crónica de una trotamundos
Salary man Shimizu minato
Salary Man Chushingura, Part 2
El otoño de la familia Kohayagawa (El final del verano)
De Pearl Harbour a Midway
Cuando una mujer sube la escalera
Hijas, esposas y una madre
Seniors, Juniors, Co-Workers
Always Focus on Spear-Training, Beautiful Day
Yaji and Kita's Travel Journey
Mr. Fortune Maker Takes a Risk
A Will o' the Wisp (Demon Fire)
Swordsman of the Two Sword Style
Fountainhead (The Spring)
Una lanza ensangrentada en el Monte Fuji
The Romance of Yushima (The White Sea of Yushima)
Jirocho's Tale of Three Provinces: Part 7: First Celebration at Shimizu Harbor
Toran bûran: Tsuki no hikari
Jirocho's Tale of Three Provinces: Part 5: Violence on the Koshu Road
Kaiketsu Murasaki-zukin: Sôshûban
Jirocho's Tale of Three Provinces: Part 4: All Gathered at Shimizu Harbor
Treinta mil ryo y cincuenta y tres más
Castle of Carnage, Part II
The Woman Who Touched the Legs
Migratory Birds Under the Moon
Nippon G Men: Dai-ni-wa - Nansenzaki no kettô
Saheiji torimonohikae: Murasaki zukin - Kaiketsu-hen
Saheiji torimonohikae: Murasaki zukin
Ghost of Yotsuya, Part II